Custom Fact for the host interface on a machine.
It finds the interface based on the gateway of netstat -rn.
Works on FreeBSD, OSX, RedHat, Centos, Scientific, Ubuntu and probably others.
I've found it extremely helpful building NSM servers and configure iptables.
You can specify the variable <%= @hostint %> in your puppet templates.
Supports Interface, DNS, Duplex, Gateway, ipv4 address, and Speed.
<%= @hostint %> Host Interface - (Supports Kernel: FreeBSD, Darwin, Linux)
<%= @hostint_dns %> Primary DNS Server (Supports Kernel: FreeBSD, Darwin, Linux)
<%= @hostint_duplex %> Full (Supports Kernel: Linux)
<%= @hostint_gw %> (Supports Kernel: FreeBSD, Darwin, Linux)
<%= @hostint_ipv4 %> (Supports Kernel: FreeBSD, Darwin, Linux)
<%= @hostint_speed %> 1000Mb/s (Supports Kernel: Linux)
TODO: Need to add Windows facts
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